Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Long Winter

It is winter and the snow drifts are piling higher than ever around here. We've had nothing but snow and ice storms for months. It will melt one day soon. Like the excess weight I still carry. Some days I look in the mirror and despair of ever seeing this fat gone. But it will "melt", just like the snow.
Number of the day is 210.4.

Pounds, that is.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Mirrors Never Lie

The mirror doesn't lie. I can see the changes in my body now when I stand in front of a mirror.

Although it has been almost two months since I posted to this blog, I have continued on track, not without some struggles through the Christmas season where emotions took hold and I found myself eating for emotional reasons.

I got through it. Although I "strayed" for about a week, I was able to pull myself around.

Weight today is 212.6 pounds.

I like it. But only for today and the next few days.

I've been setting my goals pound by pound. My next goal is 211 pounds.

One day, God willing, I will reach 145 pounds again.